God's unchanging character

I am the Lord, and I do not change
Malachi 3:6

Your strength and consistency Lord
make me feel safe.

I want you to have an unchanging character
because you are a rock of strength
on which I can always lean
to which I can go for shelter
and on which I can shout with joy!

You are the certainty that I need,
the friend who never fails.

I don't understand all of your ways
all of the time,
but I live with the surety
that you will reveal all and make all things clear
when you know that I am ready.

I wonder that you have patience with me
when I stray,
when I am blind to your path.
Patience you have Lord and
love, comfort, the ability to share,
to make your presence felt.

Thank you Lord for your unchanging character
And your faith in me.

By: Susan Bollongino
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August 2003: Contents | Praise the Lord! | Successful preacher | God's character | Tisha B'Av
Editorial team:
Romesh Modayil [romeshmodayil@yahoo.com], Andrew Bossom [rewboss@hotmail.com], Martin Liebig
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for United Methodist Church English Language Congregation in Berlin, united.methodists@berlin.de
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